Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spectrometry Lab

Today, we did a lab. It had to do with spectrometry and colors. We also had to answer the following questions:

  1. How do you think the Spectrometer works?
 It might use some sort of laser radiation that reads the amounts of color.
  1. Were there any unexpected results? What were they?
 I don't think there were any unexpected results.
  1. Were there any differences between the different printers?
 There were some small differences but nothing major.
  1. Compare the printed color sheet to the one linked in the blog. What differences due you notice in the RGB display versus the CMYK printout.
 The colors are brighter and more vivid.
  1. Did you notice the Hex Codes for each color. Would you say Hex codes have more in common with RGB or CMYK? Explain.
 They are more similar to RGB.
  1. Do you think the use of spectrometry is important for publishers? Why or why not?
 Yes, It is important because they need he right code or they wont get proper results.
  1. What sort of consequences may arise if spectrometers were not used in publishing?
None of the colors would be right and there could also be little or no contrast so it would be very difficult to read the text.

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